Assalamu Walaikum,
In this video, I will show you, How to remove page numbers from a specific page in Apple Pages for iCloud.
here I have one section on document go to your desired page you have to create different section for this space I will remove page number from page 6. go to page number five and keep the cursor end of text insert menu section break create the section again go to page number 6 and keep the cursor end of text go to again insert menu section break. now go to document and section option document check mark the header and footer. and go to again section option and select the page six and remove the mass previous section go to page 7 uncheck Mark Mass previous section. now add the page number. go to insert menu and click the this number. go to page number seven insert the page number again. now check the remove page number from Page Six. you can start page number at 6.
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